The Idea of Love - AFrhn

Sunday, February 07, 2016

The Idea of Love

I have always stuck with the idea of love which I think from my cat's point of view is that love is when you need all the attention towards her. macam sekarang ni la I tengah taip entri ni tapi dia sibuk menyondol mintak untuk diusap.

I have always stuck with the idea of soul mate as well. Is it macam bila you found a person and you macam ohhhh itulah soul mate I. or soul mate where you are soooo exactly like each other.

Until recently, (mungkin disebabkan a year older a year wiser?) I have a clearer idea of love and soul mate. Love is not something yang hang sanggup berkorban jiwa raga semata mata demi dia tapi diri hang sendiri hang campakkan. For me love is all the smallest things. Lain orang ada lain persepsi pasal cinta, mungkin setengah orang cinta untuk diorang bila merajuk dapat bunga sebanyak 24 kuntum dengan sekotak coklat di hadapan rumah.

For me, love includes all the gross things that you might have to encounter. contohnya macam lepas cabut gigi mulut hang berdarah meleleh leleh dan hang suruh dia berhenti di tepi jalan supaya hang boleh ludahkan keluar semua darah dan tukar kapas. dan selepas adengan berdarah itu dia tengok tanpa rasa macam ew banyaknya darah keluaq (dan ofcourse la jangan mention muka macam tu dah macam mana) dan bawak hang makan aiskrim sebab nak numb the pain.

Love is for me that years after arwah atok takdak, atok masih masak makanan favourite arwah atok sebab dia rindu. Love is for me that walaupun abah keluaq pergi hiking dekat bukit belakang ja, tapi sebelum sampai rumah Ma dah letak ayaq masak siap siap dekat meja tepi pintu supaya lepas abah balik ja boleh terus minum.

And soul mate, is something more. It is for me someone yang buatkan hang lagi better day by day. Macam your bestfriend, but more. Someone yang knows you more than you know yourself. Not a perfect someone, but someone yang boleh nampak all your flaws and your potentials and embrace them. They too have flaws, because nowadays people are trying so hard to find a "perfect" soul mate. where got perfect pft.

Sebenaqnya entri ni terhasil sebab emo baru habis baca buku me before you.